Bridal Portraits,  Cedar Point Club Weddings,  Couples,  Downtown Norfolk,  Engagement Sessions,  Honey Bee Golf Club,  The Signature at West Neck,  Virginia Aquarium Wedding,  Weddings

My Favorite 2015 Portraits + My so called 2016 Goals

Did you see my 2015 Best Moments? If not, make sure to check them out HERE.

As 2016 comes near I must confess to be slightly afraid. 2015 was really, really good. It feels like a string of good luck that may run out at any time. When I started this journey I wasn’t sure where my goals would be long term. I knew what I wanted to do but not quite how to achieve it. I should confess I still don’t know. In 2015 couples sort of found me. I met the right couples, clicked with them and had a blast at their wedding. Plus I ate a lot of cake and gained some unwanted pounds. I can still laugh and cry when I look at their images and that makes me happy.

Every year I make an End of the Year –  Goals post. It details exactly what I want to accomplish for the year. As I moved from another blog website to here, last year’s blog post got lost but I do remember wanting 30 weddings. I only did 22 this year and that is ok. They were 22 amazing couples with excellent families beside them.  This year my goals is to have fun on every single wedding and start making more art. For now, don’t judge. I know it doesn’t have the huge list you are used to but it will come.

How about taking a peak at my 25 favorite portraits of 2015 instead?

As I move to a more artistic approach to my imagery, I hope you can see it here. There was a humongous growth in my style from 2014 and I hope you can see it and enjoy it.

Thank you for an amazing 2015! Here’s to an equally awesome 2016!