
Behind the Scenes 2017: My many faces and weird shooting positions

Behind the Scenes 2017:

My many faces and weird shooting positions


The year end is here and with it a long road traveled. I usually keep the behind the scenes to myself but thought it would be fun for you to see some behind the scenes. 

SIDE NOTE: This year I tried a fanny pack. Yes, yes I did. Although handy, I realize now how ridiculous I look. Next year, I’ll be more fancy and get me a waist apron to carry all the junk I like to have nearby.

Let me share with you a couple of goodies and blackmail material. 


First, here’s me shooting:

I love this lens! Heavy, but I do love it.


This year, I wore dresses to two weddings. Did I mention I don’t like dresses? You wonder why?

Because, I go ON the dance floor with all my couples and their guests. I get my best angles this way.

And my shooting poses are to envy.

The only time I look flexible.

I also like pretending to dance with my invisible soul mate.

My dancing is spot on.

Sometimes my mind wonders and a guest photo bombs me.

I think I was calculating the space time continuum.
Then I make them my wife and cut the cake like a boss. (We didn’t really cut it!)
Lighting check is serious business.

Then maybe not.

My go to face for all pictures.
Anything for a good angle which includes laying on the fresh cut grass.

My face when I realize I may not be able to stand up by myself.

Thanks to this picture, I vow to exercise in 2018.

The day I got a dance and kept shooting.

You shake it, I photograph it.
The day my hair was on point. It doesn’t happen often, so this may be my favorite picture.

OK, I lied. This is my favorite picture! Truly captures the way I am and feel during the day.

Thank you Leigh Anne for this image!

Thank you to Nelan for being my desserts’ soulmate this year.

Always the goof! Checkout her Senior Photography at

A special thanks to Leigh Anne, Ola, Myesha and Jasmine for stepping in when I needed an extra hand.

I can’t wait for next year!

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